Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shockingly Inspiring

I have to say that Larry Clark is one of my favorite Photographers.
His photos are raw and edgy, he leaves out all the glamor and the posing
and makes truly inspiring photographs in my opinion.
He is also a director of under ground films.
His films are just as dark as his photographs in subject manner and content.
If you like that kind of art I strongly suggest you take a look at his work.

So I decided to look up Jim Goldberg...

And I came across this photo.
I thought it was very powerful.
It kind of broke my heart when I saw it.

Testing Testing!

This is my first go around with Photoshop's Photo Raw.
The photo on the left is the original photo
and the one on the right is after editing.

My Digital Color Wheel

Done for an assignment in class.
I think it looks interesting.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hockney Assignment

Here are my three finished assignments based on Hockney's work.
You can click them and see the BIGGER! :D




Monday, February 8, 2010

Something to think about...

I checked out the post on the class blog about the photo contest on and decided to check out the different galleries they had and one in particular caught my eye.
There were a lot of interesting photos, but the Photographs From The Refrigerator really caught my eye. The captions are really interesting and it made me think about what my family keeps in there fridge and what it says about them.
I recommend checking out this gallery.

Monday, February 1, 2010

U.O.P Photo Gallery

Western Technosite
By: Daniel Kasser

Today I went to the U.O.P. art gallery where Daniel Kasser's artwork was being displayed.
The show all around was a very interesting show. I had some favorites from the show.

The first one that caught my eye was #12.

This photo caught my eye mostly because of the blue tone to it.
It gives it a dream like or foggy feel to it.
The object in the picture also fits very nicely in to the photo.
It makes me think of the Tim Burton film Big Fish.

All of his other work was good as well, but this kind of photography is not in my taste.
I personally think a photo can be beautiful without being manipulated.
But I do admire his patience and I think that he is a very talented photographer.