Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Bit of a Challenge...

So I have been working on the shooting part of the project and I found that it is becoming more of a challenge then I thought it would be.
I guess I just didn't realize that 350 is a lot of photos!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

About the movie "The True Meaning of Pictures: Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia"

Today in class we watched the movie "The True Meaning of Pictures: Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia".
In the movie not only were the pictures that Adams shown but they were critiqued and analyzed as well as having commentary not just from the artist but from the people he shot.
I believe that Adams was very sincere when he said that he was not trying to portray these familys in a negative way.
I think that by the way the families responded to him that he really did have a connection with these people and that these people never felt like they were being looked at in negative light.
I think that the bonds he made with the families was wonderful you can tell that he really did care about them. He made sure that he consulted the families and letting them have a say in the photos that went in to the book he was making.
He said that he would show the families his photos and let them approve the photos before he went and used them.
I think that some of the critics in the film were not looking at it as Adams way of showing people his family and where he grew up, rather they were looking at it as someone exploiting these people and showing the rest of the world these people who were uncivilized and poor.
I do believe that Adams was showing us a world that we might not understand, but that he would like us to.
I think that he wants us to see past the dirt and the poverty and the broken down houses and see people.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Photo Clean Up

The Left photo is the original.
There were a lot of small scratches and dust.
The one on the right is the edited one.